Panic by DrugConsult

Say NO! To Panic Attacks

What is a panic attack? It is a feeling of sudden and intense anxiety or fear that is caused by a perceived threat, rather than a factual attack. It can produce symptoms like nausea, feeling disoriented, tremors, rapid and irregular heartbeat, breathlessness, excessive sweating, dizziness and other symptoms. The symptoms of a panic attack are not usually life threatening, but can be very frightening as it can feel like a heart attack or a near death phenomenon. Most times panic attacks last for about 5 – 30 minutes.

Ever had a panic attack or know someone that has? Below are some ways to prevent them from recurring.

  • Perform intentional daily breathing exercises. They help to prevent or to reduce the length of time of an attack.
  • Regular exercise, especially aerobic will help to manage stress levels, release tension, improve mood and boost confidence,
  • Avoid skipping meals as much as possible, so as to stabilize blood glucose levels.
  • Reduce the amount of caffeine, smoking and alcohol intake. These worsen and prolong panic attacks.
  • Join support groups. Knowing that other people are experiencing the same thing can be reassuring. You can contact your GP to put you in touch with these groups.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is usually done by professionals and they help in identifying possible triggers and to improve thought patterns that cause/ worsen the attacks.

Do share with us other tips that you know may be of help to someone. Thank you.

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